Alaska LLC Certificate of Formation

(Full Guide)

2025 LLC Guide

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How to File Alaska LLC Certificate of Formation (Simple Guide)

Learn how to file Alaska LLC Certificate of Formation. This guide simplifies the process with step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of filing your Articles of Organization with the Alaska Division of Corporations. This document officially establishes your Alaska LLC. You have the option to file your Articles of Organization online or via mail. Alternatively, if you prefer to hire a service to handle the LLC formation, consider checking out the Best LLC Services in Alaska.

Online submission involves a $250 fee for immediate processing. For mail submissions, there’s a $250 fee with approval taking 10-15 business days, plus mailing time. Please note that filing times may be extended due to government delays. For the latest processing times, check how long it takes to get an LLC in Alaska.

The $250 fee is a one-time charge. (Refer to Alaska LLC Cost for more details on fees.)

Note: The “LLC filing fee” is synonymous with the “Articles of Organization fee.” The Articles of Organization is the document that, once approved by the Alaska Corporations Section, formally creates your Alaska LLC.

We recommend online filing as it’s more convenient and your Articles of Organization are approved immediately.

Nonetheless, instructions for both online and mail filing are provided below.

Need to save time? 

Form your LLC with Northwest ($39 + state fee) or LegalZoom ($149 + state fee).

(See why Northwest is #1: Northwest vs LegalZoom.)

Alaska LLC Articles of Organization Online Filing


Begin here at the Alaska Division of Corporations

1. Entity Name

Input the complete name of your Alaska LLC, including an appropriate designator (ending). According to Alaska law (section 10.50.020), your LLC name must conclude with one of these designators:

  • LLC (most common)
  • L.L.C.
  • Ltd. Liability Co.
  • Ltd. Liability Company
  • Limited Liability Co.
  • Limited Liability Company

Comma in LLC name: You have the option to include a comma in your Alaska LLC name or omit it. For instance, both “Shah Products, LLC” and “Shah Products LLC” are valid choices.

2. LLC Purpose

In this section, specify the purpose of your Alaska LLC. There’s no need for it to be overly detailed or specific, and you won’t be locked into this purpose indefinitely. As your business evolves, you can modify its purpose.

You may simply enter a few words (such as “pizza shop,” “real estate investing,” “landscaping,” etc.). Alternatively, if you prefer to keep it broad, you can use this default language:

“Any lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Alaska.

3. NAICS Code

Specify the purpose of your business along with the relevant NAICS Code. The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code helps government entities classify the type and activities of your Alaska LLC. You can locate your six-digit NAICS Code at the following link:

Alaska Division of Corporations: Alaska NAICS Codes.

If your specific business isn’t listed, choose the industry category that best aligns with your operations.

4. Alaska Registered Agent

An Alaska Registered Agent is an individual or company designated to accept legal documents (Service of Process) on behalf of your Alaska LLC, especially if your business faces a lawsuit. Your chosen Alaska Registered Agent must have a physical street address within the state. If your Registered Agent is an individual, they must reside in Alaska.

You have three choices for your LLC’s Registered Agent in Alaska: yourself, a friend or family member, or a Commercial Registered Agent.

We recommend reviewing our Alaska Registered Agent lesson  before proceeding with this section.

If you (or a friend/family member) will serve as the Registered Agent:

  • Choose “Individual” from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter their name, mailing address, and physical address (these may be the same).

If you opted for a Registered Agent Service:

  • Select “Entity” from the drop-down menu.
  • Provide the Registered Agent Service’s Entity Number, mailing address, and physical address (these could be identical).

If the Entity Number is unknown, you can search for it here: Alaska Division of Corporations: Search Corporations Database.

Alternatively, contact your Registered Agent Service to obtain or verify their Entity Number based on your search in the state’s database.

Note: If you hired Northwest Registered Agent, their Entity Number is 10021053.

5. Entity Addresses

(Mailing and Physical)
Provide your LLC’s mailing and physical addresses. These can be identical or different. These addresses can be located in any state across the US or even in another country. They are not required to be in Alaska, although they can be.

6. Management

In this section, specify whether your LLC is Member-managed or Manager-managed.

A Member-managed LLC allows all owners to bind the Alaska LLC in contracts and agreements and manage the business and daily activities.

In a Manager-managed LLC, only one or a few designated individuals (known as “managers”) have the authority to bind the Alaska LLC in contracts and oversee operations. The other members cannot bind the LLC in contracts and do not participate in managing the business; they assume a passive or investor role.

If your LLC is Member-managed, choose “The limited liability company is managed by its members.” If Manager-managed, choose “The limited liability company is managed by a manager.”

Tip: Most Alaska LLCs prefer to be governed by all members, opting for Member-managed status.

7. Organizers

Click the “Add” button to start entering the LLC’s Organizer(s). Ensure “Individual” is selected from the drop-down menu, then provide the Organizer’s first and last name, and click “Save.”

If there are additional Organizers, click the “Add” button again, or proceed if there is only one.

The LLC Organizer is responsible for filing the Articles of Organization with the State of Alaska. Being an Organizer doesn’t automatically make someone a Member (owner) of the LLC. In other words, listing someone as an Organizer doesn’t make them an LLC owner. For more details, read LLC Organizer vs LLC Member, and Registered Agent vs LLC Organizer. Members are listed in your LLC’s Operating Agreement, meaning a person becomes a Member by signing this agreement, not by being listed as an Organizer.

Note: Typically, the person forming the LLC is both the Organizer and a Member, so their name will appear in both the Articles of Organization and the Operating Agreement.

8. Optional Provisions (optional)

This section allows you to add any optional provisions to your Alaska LLC and is entirely optional. Consider these optional provisions as “additional rules” that your LLC must adhere to.

Note: Most people don’t include optional provisions unless advised by their attorney or business advisor.

9. Completion of This Online Application

Agree to the terms by checking the box, then input your full name and phone number, and click “Proceed.”

Review Page

Select the “Review Filing” PDF link to view your details one last time. You may print or save this PDF for your records. If modifications are necessary, click “Return to Filing.” To continue and file your Articles of Organization electronically, select “Proceed to Payment.”

Checkout Page

Provide your billing details, email address, and phone number, then click “Continue” to complete the payment.

Congratulations! Your Alaska LLC has been filed online and approved instantly.

On the next page, you will receive your Alaska LLC Entity Number. Please save this number for referencing your LLC with the Corporations Section.

Alaska LLC Approval (Online Filing)

When you file online, your Alaska LLC is processed and approved instantly. To access and print your approved Articles of Organization and Certificate of Organization, locate your LLC in the state’s database and click on your LLC’s Entity number: Alaska Division of Corporations: Search Corporations Database.

Once you access your Alaska LLC’s online record, find the “Filed Documents” section (usually at the bottom). In the “Type” column, look for “Creation Filing”. Click the first link on the right to download your stamped and approved Articles of Organization. Then, click the second link to obtain your Certificate of Organization.

Submitting Alaska LLC Articles of Organization via Mail

Download the Alaska Articles of Organization form (Form 08-484).

Notes: You have the option to print the form and complete it manually using a black pen, then sign it; alternatively, you can fill out the form on your computer, print it, and sign. Make sure to use standard white paper (8.5″ x 11″) when printing.

$250 Filing Fee

Checkbox: Ensure to mark the box at the top to confirm the $250 filing fee.

1: Name

Enter the complete name of your Alaska LLC, ensuring it includes an acceptable designator (ending). Under Alaska law (section 10.50.020), your LLC name must conclude with one of these designators:

  • LLC (most common)
  • L.L.C.
  • Ltd. Liability Co.
  • Ltd. Liability Company
  • Limited Liability Co.
  • Limited Liability Company

Comma in LLC name: Including a comma in your Alaska LLC name is optional. For instance, both “Shah Products, LLC” and “Shah Products LLC” are valid options.

2: Purpose & NAICS Code

Specify the purpose of your business along with the relevant NAICS Code. The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code helps government agencies to classify your Alaska LLC’s business sector and activities.

You can locate your business’s six-digit NAICS Code here:

Alaska Division of Corporations: Alaska NAICS Codes.

If your specific business isn’t listed, choose the industry that most closely aligns with your operations.

3: Registered Agent

In Alaska, a Registered Agent is an individual or company designated to accept legal correspondence (Service of Process) on behalf of your LLC if it faces legal actions. The Registered Agent must have a physical street address in Alaska, and if the agent is an individual, they must reside in Alaska.

In this section, you’ll need to provide the name of either a person or a company (if using a Commercial Registered Agent).

Line 1: Input the complete name of your Alaska Registered Agent.
Line 2: Input the physical address and zip code of your Alaska Registered Agent.
Line 3: Input the mailing address and zip code of your Alaska Registered Agent.

Note: Completion of both the physical and mailing addresses is mandatory. They can be identical.

Reminder: For your LLC’s Registered Agent in Alaska, you have three options:

yourself, a friend or family member, or a Commercial Registered Agent. Ensure you have reviewed our Alaska Registered Agent lesson before filling out this section.

4: Management

In this section, specify whether your LLC is Member-managed or Manager-managed.

A Member-managed LLC allows all owners to bind the Alaska LLC in contracts and agreements and manage the business and daily activities.

In a Manager-managed LLC, only one or a few designated individuals (known as “managers”) have the authority to bind the Alaska LLC in contracts and oversee operations. The other members cannot bind the LLC in contracts and do not participate in managing the business; they assume a passive or investor role.

If your LLC is Member-managed, choose “The limited liability company is managed by its members.” If Manager-managed, choose “The limited liability company is managed by a manager.”

Tip: Most Alaska LLCs prefer to be governed by all members, opting for Member-managed status.


5: Optional Provisions

This section outlines that if your Alaska LLC includes any extra provisions, they will be attached to your Articles of Organization. However, it is not mandatory to include attachments. This part is optional.

Consider optional provisions and extra statutes as “additional rules” for your LLC to adhere to.

Note: Typically, most filers do not include extra provisions unless advised by their attorney or business consultant.

LLC Organizers

Click the “Add” button to start entering the LLC’s Organizer(s). Ensure “Individual” is selected from the drop-down menu, then provide the Organizer’s first and last name, and click “Save.”

If there are additional Organizers, click the “Add” button again, or proceed if there is only one.

The LLC Organizer is responsible for filing the Articles of Organization with the State of Alaska. Being an Organizer doesn’t automatically make someone a Member (owner) of the LLC. In other words, listing someone as an Organizer doesn’t make them an LLC owner. For more details, read LLC Organizer vs LLC Member, and Registered Agent vs LLC Organizer. Members are listed in your LLC’s Operating Agreement, meaning a person becomes a Member by signing this agreement, not by being listed as an Organizer.

Note: Typically, the person forming the LLC is both the Organizer and a Member, so their name will appear in both the Articles of Organization and the Operating Agreement.

If your LLC includes 4 or more Members and you wish to list them as Organizers: For an Alaska LLC with several Members, including them all in your Articles of Organization—especially if you want to simplify bank account setup—requires an Additional Organizers Attachment.

Contact Sheet Information

This section informs the state of the contact person for inquiries and where to send approval documents.

Write your LLC’s name at the top, followed by your name, email, phone number, and mailing address. Re-enter your name and mailing address in the “Return documents to” section, leaving the “Company” line blank.

Mailing Instructions

Send your completed Articles of Organization along with a $250 check or money order (payable to the “State of Alaska”) to:

State of Alaska
Corporations Section
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806

Congratulations! Your Alaska LLC documents have been submitted for processing. Now, you just need to wait for approval.

Alaska LLC Processing Time (Mail Submission)

When you submit your Alaska LLC application via mail, it will be processed and approved within 10-15 business days, excluding mailing time.

The state will send you a stamped and approved copy of your Articles of Organization along with a Certificate of Organization.


If you file by mail between October 1st and January 1st, the state may experience higher volumes, potentially extending your LLC approval time. Don’t worry if there is a delay in receiving your documents.

Alaska Corporations Section Contact Details

For any inquiries, reach out to the Alaska Division of Corporations at 907-465-2550. They are available from 8am to 5pm AKT, Monday to Friday.

Check Your Domain Name

If you’re considering launching a website, it’s simple to register your domain name. Using your business name as the domain can enhance online visibility. You can effortlessly search and buy a domain name via Hostinger

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get my Certificate of Formation approved?

If you file online, it’s usually approved immediately. By mail, it can take a few business days.

You’ll receive an email with a link to download a copy of your approved certificate.

You might need to obtain any required business licenses and permits, and you’ll need to file an annual report with the state.

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We specialize in guiding individuals through the process of forming LLCs across all states, while also offering a range of comprehensive business services tailored to entrepreneurs.

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